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Inter-application file sink

What is eFILE?

eFILE, as a file sink, allows an asynchronous file management exchange between batch processes.


File authors and users are now enabled to benefit of a functional link to the file content without getting hindered by technical dependancies or scheduling constraints​. A creator can load its files to an identifier within the sink, to be later extracted by one or more readers.​ When several files are loaded under the same identifier, they can be merged during extraction.


Differentiate your functional dependencies from your scheduling dependencies

A flexible and convenient interface


Through batch and user interface.
Types of user profiles:   

  • Admin: Defining parameters, and overall          variables.   

  • Exploit: Defining extraction criteria/rules. 

  • Tracking: Accessing file tracking information and logs.

Multi-criteria filtering.

Contextual navigation.

Blocking an identifier (extraction)

Unique, or by association (ex: block all extraction identifiers using a load identifier).

Custom Request

  • Creation of specific requests (SELECT) by the administrator and setting description parameters.

  • Execution by the users (result presented in the user interface, and exportable in csv).

Multi-criteria file tracking

By identifier/load or extraction number, job name, jobid, date, status,...

Handling of the sink file status

  • Unitary, by extraction ID or load ID.

  • Restoration,suspension, deletion.

Events log

  • Log mapping all actions performed within the sink.

  • Specific log for all error handling.

What are the benefits of eFILE?

A job loading a file in the sink does not need to know its consumer. Similarly, adding a consumer does not require any alteration of the issuer.

An identifier can be best described as "optional"; the absence of files will not cause a consumer error: the output file will be created empty. However a "mandatory" identifier will cause a consumer interruption (error) if no deposit has been made.

The consumer's scheduling may be completely independent from the creator's scheduling.

Loading a file can generate an event, which can cover multiple identifiers. For example: the release of an application, or an exterior transfer when a set of identifiers have received a file.

What are the key features of eFILE?


Configuration check

Anticipates inconsistencies through format checking with z/Os

Duplicate Check

Controls for norms

and standards


Manages the conservation of files according to their defined contained period. Allows files to be restored for an additional extraction.


Advanced request engine performs detailed searches


Talk to a sales representative
about using eFILE
to manage your files 

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